Fatten - definitie. Wat is Fatten
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Wat (wie) is Fatten - definitie

¦ verb make or become fat or fatter.
I. v. a.
Make fat.
Fertilize, make fertile.
II. v. n.
Grow fat.
·vi To grow fat or corpulent; to grow plump, thick, or fleshy; to be pampered.
II. Fatten ·vt To make fertile and fruitful; to Enrich; as, to fatten land; to fatten fields with blood.
III. Fatten ·vt To make fat; to feed for slaughter; to make fleshy or plump with fat; to fill full; to Fat.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Fatten
1. fatten above the waist. Women fatten below the waist. Both these people would have had
Why We Get Fat - And What to Do About It _ Gary Taubes _ Talks at Google
2. away and fatten them for slaughter.
Farm Sanctuary - Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food _ Gene Baur _ Talks at Google
3. First, we feed them to animals to fatten them up.
Food is the Solution _ Matthew Prescott _ Talks at Google
4. is how we fatten up our customers, whether it's
The Customer Playbook _ Peter Fader & Sarah Toms _ Talks at Google
5. and not worry so much about trying to fatten up
The Customer Playbook _ Peter Fader & Sarah Toms _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Fatten
1. Supporters of a boycott contend tourist dollars fatten the generals‘ coffers.
2. "We don‘t want someone taking her so they can fatten her up to go for slaughter.
3. Manuel Viveros, 3', has worked for 12 years at an installation designed to fatten salmon.
4. Such a move can fatten profits for options recipients when they sell their shares at higher market prices.
5. Mr B senior tells me that we need to get some professional advice on how to fatten pigs.